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Contracting and Management:

consulate offers contracting services and/or project management. consulate is licensed and bonded.

Architectural and Interior Design:
From minimal to classic design undertakings, consulate creates many of the components, while others are meticulously chosen from the world over to work with in your design and with one another symbiotically.
Fixture Design:

consulate can provide new and unusual design elements and materials, along with original ideas for lighting, displays, textiles, and much more.

Industrial, Furniture, and Effects Design:
Using shapes, colours, the principles of ergonomics and new or recycled elements, consulate creates custom products and fixtures to compliment the design and conform to the environments vision. We welcome these endeavors with fervor and an ingenious outlook.
Reinventing the Workplace: consulate takes pride in elevating the standard model into an evolved image of itself, while retaining accessibility to the consumer and client.

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